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About Us

Afaq Al-Laith Company for Meat and Foodstuff Trading Limited Liability Company. Specialized in importing halal meat (slaughtered in the Islamic manner) and selling it in Iraq. The products enter Iraq after inspection and examination by the Central Organization for Standardization and Quality Control. The company has a wide reputation in the Iraqi market for imported meat.

The company has regular customers from all over Iraq, so we make sure to choose the best quality meat with reasonable prices to serve our customers.

About Our Boss

Know more about our Boss

Mr. Ahmed Abdul Ridha Jabbar is the ownerof afaq al-laith company.

For contact ( afaq85allaith@gmail.com )

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Why Choose Us?

Fresh Frozen Meat

This department is specialized in providing high quality frozen red meat (Halal) using the best methods of preservation and freezing according to quality standards.

Fresh Frozen Chicken

This department is specialized in providing high quality frozen chicken (Halal) using the best methods of preservation and freezing according to quality standards.


This department is specialized in providing high

quality frozen fish using the best preservation and

freezing methods and according to quality
